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Emeritus Members

Though retired from aviation, these members are granted lifetime membership in SWAAAE. Emeritus membership is open to those Executive members who have retired from gainful employment in the field of airport management and who meet the requirements listed below. Executive members who retire from or leave airport management, but are gainfully employed in the aviation industry in any other capacity, and that are eligible for other classifications of membership do not qualify for Executive Emeritus.
  1. Has become a Certified Airport Executive (C.A.E.) or an Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.).
  2. Has, for no less than ten years, maintained membership in AAAE, SWAAAE or another of AAAE's recognized regional Chapters.
  3. Has reached 50 years of age and has either retired from airport management or extenuating circumstances have forced an early retirement.
  4. Has been elected to Executive Emeritus membership by the Board of Directors for exemplary service to the Chapter.
Executive members are not charged annual dues. If you have any questions regarding membership please contact SWAAAE Headquarters at 480-403-4604.

Executive Emeritus Members Past and Present

Vernon L. Ackerman, C.A.E., E.E.

John Aitken, A.A.E.

John D. Armour, A.A.E., E.E.

W. J. Barnard, E.E.

Mark Bautista, A.A.E.

Roy E. Bayless, A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E.

Neilson A. Bertholf,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. (Deceased)

Hal R. Bostic, C.A.E., E.E.

Jim Braswell, C.A.E., E.E.

Don Bua, C.A.E., E.E.

John S. Cagaanan, C.A.E., E.E.

Joan Castaneda, E.E.

Jim Chappell, C.A.E., E.E.

Howard L. Cook, A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E.

William J. Critchfield, A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E.

John Croghan, A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Nicholas Dallas,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Barclay Dick, A.A.E., E.E.

John Dickinson, E.E.

Robert R. Erickson, C.A.E., E.E.

Robert J. Esperance, C.A.E., E.E.

R. "Pat" Farlin, C.A.E., E.E.

Walter W. Fell,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Clyde V. Fitzgerald, C.A.E., E.E.

Richard D. French,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Walter E. Gillfillan, P.E.

Mary Hansen C.A.E., C.M.

Barney Helmick, A.A.E.

Joe Husband, C.A.E., C.M., E.E.

John "Bill" Ingraham, A.A.E.

Lynn Kusy, C.A.E.

Edward McCall, A.A.E., C.A.E. 

Maurice A. McDonald,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

William L. Menard, C.A.E., E.E.

James H. Monger, C.A.E., E.E.

Bruce H. Mosley, A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E.

James G. Mummert, C.A.E., E.E.

Klaasje Nairne Winegarden, C.A.E., C.M., E.E.

Raul L. Regalado, C.A.E.

Gary T. Rice,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

A. Jack Schelter,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Mr. Stephen P. Schmitt,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Marvin Scott, C.A.E., E.E.

John Swizer, C.A.E., E.E.

Jack L. Tippie,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Ralph G. Tonseth,  A.A.E., C.A.E., E.E. 

Francis E. Torr, C.A.E., E.E.

Verne B. Troup, C.A.E., E.E.

R. Austin Wiswell, E.E.

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