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 Adrian Keller, PE, PG, GE

 National Manager - Transportation & Infrastructure
 Terracon Consultants, Inc.

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I became a member of the chapter at the start of 2024, right before the winter gathering in Monterey. Terracon has had a longstanding association with SWAAAE, and I had heard excellent things about the professionals affiliated with the chapter. Joining SWAAAE presented a fantastic opportunity to engage more deeply with the professional aviation community.

What is your professional background?

I love playing in the dirt!! As a registered geologist and professional engineer, I've been immersing myself in

the geotechnical engineering field for nearly three decades. Most of my career has been focused on

delivering transportation projects, including aviation projects, across the United States.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Growing up with a father who was a licensed private pilot, I developed an early passion for aviation. Despite

understanding the science behind it, the fact that airplanes weighing nearly 100 tons can lift off the ground

and remain airborne continues to astonish me. It's genuinely astounding!

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

My wife and I dedicate most of our time to supporting our three children and transporting them to their

sporting events and activities. I stay active by engaging in my favorite activities, which include playing

basketball, skiing, scuba diving, and CrossFit. Despite our busy schedule, our entire family is excited about

the prospect of traveling more in the near future.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

As tall as I am, I seek the exit row for extra leg room, and I prefer the aisle.

Past Featured Members


Planning Technician
Sacramento County Department

of Airports

Read more about James

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I first joined SWAAAE in 2020. I was pursuing a private pilot license to become a commercial airline pilot, and wished to further expand my knowledge of the aviation industry as a career.

What is your professional background?

My current role with the Sacramento County Department of Airports as a Planning Technician is my first in the industry. I began in February of 2023, and am looking forward to my future in this career path.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

To only mention one person would be extremely difficult and unfair. The three would have to be, in no order, my father, Rosemary Barnes, and Cole Hartfiel.

My early childhood memories are of flying in my father’s Cirrus SR22 around San Diego and the Bay Area. My dad became a pilot in 1979 out of Palo Alto Airport. He eventually achieved his instrument and commercial ratings, however, he never pursued becoming an airline pilot. It was with his gentle push that I began my flight lessons in San Diego in 2019, and discovered my love for everything aviation. We have had many flights since I became a private pilot, one of the most memorable flying from San Diego (KMYF) to Kern River (L05). I will forever cherish the passion for aviation my dad and I share with one another.

I met Rosemary Barnes in 2020 through my old little-league coach, who knew Rosemary while they both attended San Jose State University. Rosemary immediately recognized my passion for aviation and suggested I join SWAAAE as a student member. Through Rosemary’s kindness, our monthly virtual meetings sculpted my fascination for everything that involved airplanes or airports. Her mentorship planted the bug I now have for aviation; her inspiration quickly became instilled in me to pursue my career at airports instead of being a commercial pilot. Rosemary has committed many hours to my development as an airport professional. Without her guidance, I would not be where I am today. Our relationship continues to grow today, and I always look forward to our monthly calls to catch up with each another.

I first met Cole Hartfiel through SWAAAE’s Technology Committee (Z00 Crew) in 2021. As a new student member of SWAAAE, I was hesitant to volunteer on committees, but through Rosemary’s encouragement to get involved, I believed the Technology Committee would be a good fit. Growing up around my father who is a software engineer by trade, I was always fascinated with understanding technology and the benefits from utilizing it. When I first joined Cole on the Z00 Crew, I was still unsure if I wanted to achieve my ATP rating, and Cole was influential in guiding me to become a planner instead of an airline pilot. The more Cole described his role as an airport planner, the more I became interested in becoming a planner myself. Despite limited experience working in airports, and still pursuing a college degree, Cole did everything and more in his power to get me employed in Sacramento, working as a Planning Technician. His mentorship, but more importantly his friendship, has been instrumental in how I’ve gotten to be where I am in my life. His exquisite knowledge of everything about airports has taught me more than I could ever anticipate. I look forward to our upcoming years working together on many projects in Sacramento, as well as roasting coffee together on weekends. Cole has become one of my closest friends, and I am forever grateful to be able to call my boss a dear friend.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Some of my hobbies include watching and playing sports, mountain biking, and playing video games with my friends online. I grew up in a sports-centric family, my mother being a National Bobby Sox (now known as softball) champion in 1972. With her love of sports, I have been a San Diego Padres fan my entire life, while also playing baseball, football and lacrosse in my childhood years. I love the outdoors, whether that is camping in Kings Canyon and enjoying the Sierra Mountains, or mountain biking in Jackson Hole. My happy place is in nature, the perfect spot for me to decompress. Since my childhood friends and I have all moved away from our hometown of San Diego to places like Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Texas, and Germany, playing video games online has been a great way to stay in touch and still stay involved in each other’s lives. My large family of over 25 cousins and many aunts and uncles have been a loving support system my entire life. I grew up with the majority of my family in San Diego and am thankful for our close relationships that continue to develop as the years progress.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

My favorite seat in an airplane is the window seat near the wing. Not only do I love the intricacies of a 737 Max 8’s airfoil, but I now enjoy seeing different airports. Whether that be an airport’s striping at their gates, or the way their ground service equipment is stored or utilized, every airport is different and seeing how each one operates fascinates me.


Project Manager

Read more about Carmen

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2016, because I wanted to expand my network beyond Arizona. Being a member of and serving on committees for SWAAAE has not only expanded my network, but it has been so wonderful to work alongside other members to support our industry.

What is your professional background?

I graduated with my BSE in Civil Engineering from Arizona State University in 2010, and my MSE in Transportation Engineering from ASU in 2011, however, I began working in the aviation industry as an intern in 2006. For three and half years during college, I worked on pavement and drainage designs for airport projects, including the APMS construction drawings for airports across Arizona.

Since graduating from ASU, I have worked for three different firms transitioning from Engineer-In-Training to Project Engineer to Project Manager, with a 90% focus on airport development projects across the Southwest US.

I now enjoy being part of the Dibble Airport Development Business Unit and leading a team of six professionals who are 100% focused on airport projects. My day-to-day responsibilities include serving as a client service manager, project manager, and business development leader for new project/client pursuits.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

There are several people who have had a great impact on my career. Jessica Bryan was my first project manager in the industry when I was a college intern. She helped shape some of my first career goals. John Morrison Jr.'s dedication to sound airport engineering and his overall work still influences my day-to-day work ethic and perspective on client service. Lastly, Ken Snyder's focus on quality engineering documents is now part of my everyday thought processes.

Those are only three of the amazing people I've worked with over the last 17 years. Every single person—from engineering coworkers to airport managers and operations personnel—have helped shape who I am and what I know about the aviation industry. Every day I learn something new about our industry and I'm excited to keep learning more from everyone.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

My husband and I now have two wonderful dogs (we added a puppy in February). We fully enjoy living in Arizona, as well as traveling across the country for a month each year in our RV. Outside of work, we like to spend time with friends and family as much as possible.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Any first-class window seat will do :) But, some day I hope to be able to say my favorite seat is the pilot's seat.


Deputy Director, Airport Operations
San José Mineta International Airport

Read more about Rosalyn

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2007, after completing my accreditation at the Monterey conference, to get to know people from other airports.

What is your professional background?

Bachelor of Science, Aviation, and MBA, San José State University

Prior work experience at a flight school and FBO

Private Pilot (not current)

SJC intern.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

I can’t name just one person, as many people have encouraged me along the way. I took 10 years to get my undergraduate degree and sometimes thought of quitting, but someone always came along with just the right words to keep me going to complete it.

I started out in an entry-level position at SJC, and have been supported and encouraged by many SJC family members as I’ve moved up.

I’ve realized how important it is to share encouraging comments with colleagues and friends along the way. We never know what people are dealing with in their lives and how much a kind word can help them.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

My husband and I enjoy traveling, and are looking forward to visiting Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in June.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Window is preferred, but I’ll take anything if I’m going on an adventure!


Acting General Manager/CEO

Mojave Air & Space Port at Rutan Field

Read more about Timothy

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

October 2022 - Because I know the value SWAAAE brings to the aviation industry.

What is your professional background?

I started my aviation career working in FBO operations while I was in high school and college. My first operations position was at Denver International Airport (DIA), where I was an Aviation Operations Representative. After DIA I worked at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport as a Senior Airport Operations Specialist, then transitioned to my first Airport Manager role at Augusta, KS. From there, I returned to my hometown of Cheyenne, WY to work for Cheyenne Regional Airport as their Deputy Director of Administration and Finance. Most recently, I was the Acting Deputy Director of Operations and Maintenance at Portland International Jetport in Portland, ME, before transitioning to Mojave Air & Space Port seven months ago where I am the Director of Operations for the facility. Three months ago, I accepted the Acting General Manager/CEO role at Mojave.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My junior high school science teacher, Larry Johnson, who was also a private pilot. He recognized something in me and encouraged me to apply for an internship with the Experimental Aircraft Association when I was age 16. I still don't know what he saw in me (I was not a good student), but his encouragement and support launched me on a wonderful career in aviation, and I am extremely grateful.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I'm a commercial pilot and CFI and have been flying since I was 16. I enjoy reading about aviation history, especially the years prior to jet service, and love traveling to air and space museums around the state. I'm a self-proclaimed "foodie" and am always on the lookout for new experiences and special holes in the wall. I have an 8-year-old French Bulldog named Chuck Taylor who is rude, crude, and the most lovable dog in the world!

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

As a former ARFF firefighter, I'd say the aisle seat or emergency exit row. Remember folks, you have three minutes to get out!


Director of Airports
County of San Luis Obispo

Read more about Courtney

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2014, to establish a network focused on connecting and supporting women executive leaders in the aviation Industry. I wanted to align females within our industry—to shatter the glass ceiling and raise up all women.

When looking at data (or any airport leadership team), there is a striking underrepresentation of women. A study by the Women in Aviation Advisory Board, published in March 2022, revealed that although women represent 47% of the total U.S. workforce, only 16.7% of airport managers are female.

My goal is to advance women in aviation by being a role model, while ensuring a strong and visible commitment to inclusion and diversity within our leadership roles. I hope that women will see my roles as one of the youngest, if not the youngest, 2nd Vice President for SWAAAE, Director of Airports for SBP, and the next President for California Airports Council, and will realize that these roles are accessible for all!

What is your professional background?

I started my career at Minter Field, a general aviation airport in Shafter, CA. I was fortunate to be hired right out of college—as the airport’s account—and worked “my way up” from there. I had never considered a career in aviation, but once I landed the job, I knew I’d never leave the industry.

I left Minter Field, as the Manager of Finance and Administration (after almost 6 years), to take the role of Deputy Director, Finance and Administration for the County of San Luis Obispo. After two years and a lot of hard work, I was promoted to Director of Airports for the County of San Luis Obispo.

None of this could have been achieved without a work-life balance. Each organization I worked for created a culture that allowed women to balance work and life—predominantly when it comes to my kids (7-year-old triplets!).

Retention is critical to ensure that women are set up for long-term career success and remain in the aviation talent pipeline. The County of San Luis Obispo, in particular, has created an environment in which women are seen, heard, and valued. The SBP team is committed to this vision.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

I don’t have a specific person, rather a collection of mentors and friends within the industry. They range from previous/current SWAAAE directors; Executive Women in Aviation; the best consultants in the world (you know who you are) and last, but certainly not least, a group of young professionals within SWAAAE who mentor me every day.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Is a career in aviation not a hobby? Ha-Ha! I spend the majority of my time “playing airport” or with my family, both of which I’m extremely lucky to have.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

One with a view!


Airport Manager
Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport

Read more about Jon

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2003 when I moved to this region to join the Airport. I joined to be connected to aviation peers, to network and for continuing education through the Chapter conferences.

What is your professional background?

Airport Administration degree from the University of North Dakota, Masters in Business Administration from Northwest Missouri State University. Almost 30 years as an airport manager at general aviation and commercial service airports. I've worked at the Sonoma County Airport for 20 years, the Grosse Ile Municipal Airport in Michigan for nine years, and internships at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the South Lake Tahoe Airport.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Chuck Yeager.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Hobbies include spending time on warm sunny beaches, scuba diving and working on our 40 acres.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Any, as long as I'm going somewhere.


Assistant Airport Manager
Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport

Read more about Omar

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE about five years ago when I moved to Sonoma County. Jon Stout motivated me to join.

What is your professional background?

I have an MBA in Aviation with a concentration in Airport Management. I'm also a private pilot, even though I haven't flown for a couple years. I have close to 10 years of experience in Airport Operations and Management. I also worked in the private sector for quite a while, mostly in the logistics and freight industry. I'm a U.S. Air Force Veteran, having served as a ground support diesel mechanic for four years.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

I am the first one in my family that has taken the aviation route, so it was a little tough to figure things out. I got hooked when I had my first internship as a 14 year old. As part of a school assignment, I spent a week in the air traffic control tower of the Paris Issy Heliport.

I don't have one specific individual I can attribute as the greatest influence. It was more a combination of individuals I had the chance to cross paths with, life decisions and circumstances that have led me to where I am in my aviation career.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I enjoy seeing friends, traveling, spending time with loved ones, and watching Netflix every now and then.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The pilot seat, of course!


Assistant Deputy
City of Phoenix Aviation Department

Read more about Alice

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2011. Around this time, I set a personal goal to complete my accreditation (A.A.E.) and it felt important to me that I be part of the regional association. When Phoenix hosted the SWAAAE Summer Conference in 2013, I was part of the planning committee, which was a great way to get actively involved. I have been a part of SWAAAE conferences and committees ever since that time and it's a great experience!

What is your professional background?

I have a bachelor’s degree in social work. When I was a young professional, I worked with adults with mental illness in various case management and residential living program positions at non-profit organizations in the Phoenix area. I have a master's degree in human resources with an emphasis in training and organizational development. In 1997, I joined the City of Phoenix Aviation Department as a Training Coordinator, doing primarily safety and onboarding training. In early 2001, I took a temporary position in the Facilities and Services (Maintenance) division, expecting to return to the training team within a year. Due to 9/11, my temporary assignment continued for three years and I never returned to my training role. In my 25 years with the Phoenix Airport, I have had the chance to work in 10 different roles in seven different areas of the Airport. This means I have moved to a new role, on average, every 2 1⁄2 years so I was able to keep learning about different parts of the business. I completed an Airport Management Certificate at Embry Riddle in 2011, and feel that between those classes and my many work assignments, I have a well-rounded knowledge of airports.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Many people have influenced me in my aviation career. With limited space, I'm sharing the top four influencers. Becky Gawin hired me and helped me understand how things work in city government. She and Carl Newman recognized that my skills could be applied beyond human resources, and gave me the opportunity to do my first ‘temporary assignment,’ which put me on the path to grow in the operational side of the airport business. Jennifer Maples has fostered my interest in being involved in professional associations, including Women’s Transportation Seminar, Arizona Airports Association, SWAAAE and AAAE. Dan Bartholomew was my accreditation mentor. Dan not only helped me with the accreditation process, but encouraged me to continue learning and staying current in the industry through programs such as involvement in the Airport Cooperative Research Program.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I love to hike and feel happy every time I put on my hiking boots! Arizona has a plethora of beautiful places and parks, so I always have a wish list of places to hike. I love to travel, spend time with my two young adult sons and my large family of origin, and I'm an avid reader. I adopted a dog during the pandemic after a lifetime without a pet. I adore this little creature named Gizmo and I can't imagine how I've lived without him!

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

In recent years I have switched from the aisle to the window. I like to look out the window and was noticing from my aisle seat that often the window seat occupant had the shade pulled down so they could be on their phone. Now I can control the view!


Airport Planner
Sacramento County Department of Airports

Read more about Cole

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

Officially, my name was on the SWAAAE roster in 2020, but I have been involved with SWAAAE since 2018 at the summer conference in Sacramento.

I was already part of AAAE, but knowing the summer conference was in Sacramento, I volunteered to help. I was assigned to help with the Audio/Visual stuff for the conference. A short time later I was named Generation 3 Chair of the Zebra Zero Zero Visual and Audio Production Committee (formerly known as the Technology Committee).

What is your professional background?

I graduated from the University of Nebraska-Omaha in 2011 with a degree in Economics (Minor in Air Transportation Administration). As far as my professional career, the timing of this question is apt, as my career odometer rolled past 10 years in January 2022. In 2012, I started with AECOM in Philadelphia. I then worked for two different consulting firms in Minnesota: Bolton & Menk, Inc. and TKDA. I finally found my way onto the airport-side by getting hired by the Sacramento County Department of Airports in 2017.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

It says the greatest, but there’s never just one. First, aviation is in my family. My dad, Joel Hartfiel, is a commercial airline pilot. My mom, Becky Gilbert, was a gate agent when they met. I wouldn’t be in love with aviation as much if it weren’t for my parents.

Next, I have to thank a college professor, Dr. Dave Byers, who couldn’t figure out how he ended up in Omaha, NE, to teach when he was formerly living in Florida and teaching at FIT. I think it was fate, as he helped me get into the industry and consulting, helping me eventually land in Sacramento.

Third, is my buddy Dan Pruim, whom I met through Dr. Byers. I’m pretty sure he helped me get my first gig in Philadelphia. Dan is a great man, a great friend, and a genius airport planner who currently works for The Port of Oakland (OAK).

Finally, a former supervisor, brilliant planner, and another great friend, Marcus Watson. He helped me learn how to navigate FAA conversations and Technical Advisory Meetings with the airports we supported.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I’m not native to the SWAAAE region, originating from the Northland, also known as Minnesota. My dad was a pilot for Bemidji Airways and got a job with Midwest Express, moving us to Milwaukee. We eventually settled in Glenwood, IA (my hometown), while my dad flew out of Eppley Airfield (OMA) in Omaha, NE. Being from "Minnie," it’s probably obvious why I love hockey and played it for 25 years (indoors and outdoors; -10 degrees? don’t care) before retiring due to too many concussions. (I played goalie = too many pucks to the head, especially from the ex-college and ex-pro guys I played against in an intense 3v3 league).

I have an amazing, regular-Midwest-sized 78-pound dog named Stella whom I rescued seven years ago. Finally, I love playing video games with friends and my brother (Homeworld is my favorite game series), and spending time with my partner watching cooking shows, playing board games, or listening to our vinyl collection.

If I were sent to Mars and could have the entire musical collection of only three artists to listen to on the way, it would be extremely difficult to choose. Topping my list would be Prince (being from Minnie and the fact he was an amazing musician); Caravan Palace; and anything Theo Keating partnered on (The Wiseguys, Black Ghosts, etc.).

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Depending on the aircraft and seating configuration, it’s typically in the 22-27 row range, Seat A. I love watching the wings do their thing (ailerons, flaps, spoilers, etc.), and I find I can typically point out my parents’ houses when flying out from OMA (Mom in NE; Dad in IA) from the left side. That seat was perfect, too, when a flight I was on blew a tire (the one nearest to me on the left side) and I got to watch the SMF Airport Fire and Operations teams respond to make sure we were okay. They did an amazing job! However, if I’m traveling with my partner, it’s easier to just sit towards the front and get out ASAP.


Assistant Executive Airport Direc
Palm Springs International Airport

Read more about Harry

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE as soon as I moved to California in 2020 so I don't have a particularly long history YET. Joining SWAAAE was a way for me to get involved with something bigger - to learn from others in this region - because that will ultimately make me a better airport professional.

It also surprised me a little that PSP didn't seem to have that connection with the chapter in a way that I was used to, coming from the Pacific Northwest/NWAAAE - so my goal is to get my staff more engaged as well.

What is your professional background?

My aviation career started in the Air Force. I flew as a crew member aboard the E-3 AWACS for 5 years, another 2 years aboard the AC-130 Gunship and spent the last 4 years planning and running aviation resource operations for the USAF drone program.

My airport career started at BLI as an Operations/ARFF specialist, then I took a role with Sea-Tac International Airport as a Landside Supervisor before landing my first Airport Manager job with Renton Municipal Airport. Early last year I accepted a position here at Palm Springs as the Deputy Director of Aviation Operations and was promoted to Assistant Executive Airport Director this year.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics from Embry-Riddle, a Master of Public Administration from Park University, and an MBA in Global Management from Thunderbird School of Management at Arizona State. I'm also an accredited member and sit on multiple committees with AAAE and SWAAAE.

I'm also honored and excited to chair the committee that's planning SWAAAE's Winter 2022 Hybrid Conference in Monterey, California, January 23rd through the 26th. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

An Air Force pilot named Sean Williams played a huge role in my career progression early in my military career. Now retired, Col Williams was the first aviator I had met that I could identify with as an aspiring black aviator myself.

When I was younger, I didn't know how/where to start in launching a career in aviation. Sean mentored me -- and often challenged me to pursue things that I never thought I could achieve. The importance of having someone in your corner who you can identify with has not escaped my thinking...which is why I dedicate my time to mentoring others today.

Some thoughts to share about how PSP and our team have managed over the past 18+ months in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

Our biggest challenge has been ensuring that our services reflect what our customers expect of PSP. Many of our concessionaires, contractors, ground transportation providers and other tenants were forced to reduce their workforce in the pandemic. Given the seasonal nature of PSP, it has been difficult hiring talent to return those services to 100%.

Our facility rebounded very quickly from depressed travel and we've got more airlines, more passenger traffic and we serve more destinations than at this point pre-pandemic. Also, we've been able to keep our exceptional team intact and their work is directly tied to the success of PSP.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I love music. I play the piano and, before moving to California, I was a member of the Seattle Men's Chorus. I also play tennis and go biking on weekends. My partner Mike and I have two dogs who keep us busy when I'm not doing that.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The left seat in the cockpit.


Special Projects/Program Manager
Armstrong Consultants, Inc.

Read more about Kenneth

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

Airport administration is a second career for me in aviation. I found SWAAAE and AAAE the best place to be to get to know the people in the industry and learn as much as I could about airport management.

What is your professional background?

I spent 31 years as an air traffic controller. I started in the US Army as an 18-year old serving stateside and in South Korea. I was hired by the FAA after the 1981 PATCO strike at the RNO ATCT/TRACON for my initial certification. I moved to Denver TRACON for three years and returned to RNO prior to DIA opening. I retired in 2009. I spent a year as a contractor at the Baghdad International Airport. I worked both the Tower and Enroute Center supporting the opening of civil aviation in Iraq and supporting US military operations. My airport management career started at RNO in airport communications, then operations and general aviation property management. I am now a Special Projects/Program Manager at Armstrong Consultants, Inc.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I enjoyed coaching youth sports while my kids were growing up. My newest hobby is hanging with my 20-month old grandson, Bennett, my wife Denise, my adult children (Erika and Mitchell) and their spouses.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The jump seat!



Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority

Read more about Daren

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in the Fall of 2020 after joining the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority in August, 2020. Prior to joining RTAA I was a member of the NW Chapter of AAAE for 20 years. I served in Board and Officer roles for many years. I am a firm believer in the importance of the AAAE Chapters, and I'm excited to join SWAAAE and help the Chapter in any way I can. I was honored to host the 75th Annual SWAAAE Summer Conference here in Reno, NV!

What is your professional background?

I have been in airport management since I graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I began my career at the Yuma, AZ International Airport, working my way up to Deputy Director. I then held management positions with the Oregon Department of Aviation, and the Port of Portland before joining the Reno Tahoe Airport Authority in 2020. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, and the Arizona Army National Guard specializing in supply, logistics and transportation.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My first Airport Director was Ed Thurmond, C.A.E., A.A.E. in Yuma, AZ. Ed served as Airport Director at multiple airports in the Western U.S including Salt Lake City, Los Angeles County, Aspen and others. He also served as President of SWAAAE (1974-75), and on the Board of AAAE. Ed mentored me in many ways during my first six years in airport management, and had a huge impact on my career path and aspirations. Yuma was his last stop on a long and distinguished career in the Airport Management industry, and I learned SO much from him.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I have been married for 23 years to my amazing wife Veronica, and we have three children ages 16, 18, and 20. Love to travel, golf, watch live sports, and snorkeling!

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Window seat - always!


Assistant Vice President, Aviation

Read more about Lisa

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

WSP has been attending and sponsoring SWAAAE's conferences since 2017 so we decided to make it official and joined with a Corporate Membership in 2020. I became involved in SWAAAE with the encouragement of Judy Ross of SJC as she knows that I have a special interest in mentoring students and younger professionals. Judy helped me become involved in the Student Sessions at the 'Winter Short Course and it's been wonderful to follow some of the students' careers post-college. I really enjoy SWAAAE's conferences as they aren't so large that you feel overwhelmed by the number of attendees and the sessions are very relevant.

What is your professional background?

I am not an engineer; I actually have a degree in English Literature! However, I was raised in Northern Virginia as my father worked for the Air Transport Association (ATA) and then the FAA, so I remember spending many hours on airplanes flying here and there because he often took the family with him to conferences. I guess aviation has always been a part of my life. I started off working in Public Affairs on a large Caltrans highway project in the Bay Area and in 1998 I was offered a job as a marketing manager for a PM/CM firm that was involved with SFO's large master plan. I kept gravitating towards aviation projects and in my current position at WSP I am part of the National Aviation practice.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My father, who as I stated earlier, worked for the ATA and the FAA and wrapped up his career in the private sector. He retired more than 20 years ago, but he is truly one of the wisest persons that I know.

Jackson Wong, retired COO of SFO. Jackson mentored me when I first began working in Aviation.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I am a huge Francophile and can't wait until I can return to France.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Definitely aisle, which is even better when the middle seat is vacant.


Long Beach Airport (LGB)

Read more about Cynthia

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I've been a member of SWAAAE on and off over the past 10 years while working for Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). When I started at Long Beach Airport (LGB), I recognized the opportunities that SWAAAE offers to members and airports.

The chapter's smaller conferences allow attendees to network and exchange stories related to our industry. I appreciate the reduced venues, offering relaxed conversations and smaller groups. Specific to California airports and the challenges operators face, SWAAAE is an important networking resource to identify opportunities and overcome challenges unique to our State.

What is your professional background?

I'm a licensed civil engineer in the state of California. This background and degree helped me in many ways to launch my career in aviation.

While working on capital improvement projects at LAWA, I came to learn there are so many other aspects to airports than engineering alone. Airports are little cities run like a business, with HR, finance, technology, and many other important focus areas.

While earning my MBA at Pepperdine University, the organizational leadership classes were my favorite. These courses were my foundation for understanding the importance of building relationships and recognizing the value of people as they are who get things done. I learned there are different types of communication styles for different people — each with unique personalities. We don't have all the answers as individuals despite doing our best work. Teamwork is how we accomplish significant quality projects and programs with and for our many stakeholders.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

During my 18 years at LAWA, there were so many people who influenced me.

Five different female CEOs led the organization while I was there, some of whom are still in aviation. A few that immediately come to mind are Lydia Kennard, Gina Marie Lindsey and Deborah Flint.

There were also many great men who influenced my work and my career while at LAWA.

An important note about the past year while our industry, and LGB, specifically, rose to the crisis that was and continues to be the Covid-19 pandemic. I’d like to acknowledge the LGB team — employees, airlines and concessionaires, and our elected officials, business partners and stakeholders — for quickly coming together to get us through this tough period. We all worked together to streamline costs, including a City of Long Beach-wide furlough (reduced hours) for our staff. New and ongoing communications methods and messaging were key to keeping our programs and projects moving forward, as limited budgets allowed, while continuing to be responsive to our passengers. One year in, I’m so pleased that LGB continues to thrive and be an important resource for our community. A particular bright spot is that we now have two carriers offering nonstop service to Honolulu and Maui, in-demand destinations for our local travelers.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I'm a wife and a mom to two boys - rising middle-school and high-school students. They keep me busy making sure they get to their various extracurricular activities!

I love to golf when I do get my own time. There's something about being on the course between 6 - 7 a.m., and starting my day in this amazing way.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The window seat is my favorite. I like to look outside during takeoff and landing, and I often take pictures to savor the moment.


Executive Director/CEO

Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority

Read more about J. Brian

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

In 2015, when I relocated from New Hampshire to Arizona. I feel strongly about belonging to, and participating in, the local chapter of AAAE.

What is your professional background?

25+ years in progressive airport management - Assistant Airport Director - Air Service Development, Marketing, and Public Relations; Deputy Director; and now Airport Director.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

During the past two decades, I've been very fortunate to have had a couple of former bosses (Airport Directors) that provided great leadership and served as role models for me. Observing them as they interacted with elected officials, the FAA, local community members, the media, and various airport tenants was extremely educational.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I love spending time outdoors with my family. I also really enjoy watching college football.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

At 6'4" I appreciate an isle seat or the emergency exit row when I can get it.


Airport Director
Yuma International Airport & Rolle Airfield

Read more about Gladys

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE within the first year of entering the aviation industry around 2009. I wanted to get involved and learn as much as I could. I felt SWAAAE was a great place to start. My first real introduction to the organization was with Todd McNamee.

What is your professional background?

I actually went to a merchant marine academy (the best one there is - California Maritime Academy) and received my undergraduate in mechanical engineering, got my license to sail and ended up staying shoreside working for a huge corporation as a mechanical and electrical integrity consultant. Life happened, found myself in Yuma, AZ, worked as a civil engineer under one of the kindest local professional engineers, Vonne Nicklaus, which got me the introduction and professional relationship with the airport. I did end up getting my master’s in business over those years which has helped a great deal. Fun fact: I actually started off as a sociology major at the first college I got a basketball scholarship at, a division 2 NCAA college (CSU Humboldt) then left after my first "redshirt" year to a division 3 NAIA college (Cal Maritime) to play volleyball and focus on academics.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

From a mentorship and growth perspective, it will have to be Corinne Nystrom and Barney Helmick. The growing pains and many conversations helped me tremendously - especially on the tougher days. There are many others too which have been there in friendship from the awesome teleconference coffee mornings with Mark Witsoe to the beginning times (when I just started my career) having a meal with Carl Newman on the Monterey harbor or the breakdown discussions with Courtney Johnson and Cathy Herring. A tough question for a person like me who is truly "been raised" within the industry with many influential encouraging professionals who truly want me (and others) to succeed.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

As of lately, golfing has been my thing however I love all sports whether basketball, football, walking, hiking, kayaking, fishing, hunting - I love getting out. I enjoy my three awesome sons who are getting bigger and stronger, time flies for sure. I have a crazy labradoodle, Sir Charles aka Charlie Doodle, that I thought could possibly be a service dog for the airport one day but that may be a thought for a while. One thing I have learned and want to share with everyone is to value the time together and that being kind as well as having patience is what we all need more of. Take the time to tell those around you how much they are loved and you appreciate them. You have this life to make a difference and our time is undetermined - so live your best life and love what you do.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The middle seat of course, that way everyone leans to the other sides and you get the "elbow and shoulder room respect", just kidding, I do enjoy the extended leg room with a view when I can get it.


Airport Manager
City of Tehachapi

Read more about Ashley

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in mid-2020 because I believe networking and information sharing is vital to the success of our airports.

What is your professional background?

I have worked in local government since 2008, beginning my career in the City Clerks department. In 2015 I began assisting in the management of the airport and was officially named Airport Manager in 2018. Along with the airport, I currently oversee the City Clerks department and IT management team and serve as ACA's Region 3 Board Member.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My greatest influence would have to be my grandmother. Although she was not personally in the aviation industry, she did work in local government. It was watching her drive and tenacity that pushed me to where I am today.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I am married with three children, ages 16, 10 and 8. We enjoy camping, swimming, going to the beach and watching movies.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

The one with a vacant seat next to it!



Director of Public Relations
Aviatrix Communications

Read more about Rosemary

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2015, coinciding with (finally!) completing my accreditation. I appreciated the support and acceptance of those I met while studying for the panel interview. I wanted to pay it forward to others who enjoy aviation as much as I do.

What is your professional background?

All-things airports! I have been blessed with an amazing 30-year career. I was bitten and smitten by Jet-A early in life when my family emigrated from Northern Ireland. We settled next to SFO, which played an important role in my and family members' lives for employment, and landings and takeoffs.

SJSU and SJC is where my career really took off, from FBO experience to roles in Operations, Property Management and where I ultimately settled into MarCom.

My true passion is telling the stories and communicating the important work airports do in supporting the communities they serve.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

There are so many to thank and acknowledge, but these three top my list:

Jerry Bennett, who gave me my big break in Operations at SJC - both an internship and later a Manager-on-Duty role.

Marily Mora, A.A.E., who I viewed as a mentor as I transitioned from Operations to MarCom at SJC.

Steven Grossman, A.A.E, was always very supportive of me during our time together at OAK. I appreciated Steve's charismatic leadership and his incredible way of connecting and engaging with everyone he met.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I lead a very active life connecting and spending time with family and friends. Hiking, swimming, book clubbing, wine tasting, dog walking and traveling (pre-Covid) keep me busy.

I'm enjoying building my new PRoComms business, a little bit every day.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Aisle, definitely. Climbing over fellow passengers during a long flight is on my must-avoid list.


Assistant Director

Mineta San Jose International Airport

Read more about Judy

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

When I moved to California (the first time), my supervisor was working on the SWAAAE Summer Conference and encouraged me to participate. I think I started working on the conference even before I was an official member!.

What is your professional background?

I have worked the aviation industry my entire career. I am starting my six year at Mineta San Jose International Airport; three years as the Assistant Director and two years as Deputy Director, Planning and Development. In addition, I served as Deputy Aviation Director at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport for seven years; Director of Airport Planning and Development at Little Rock National Airport for two years; and while at San Diego International Airport for 10 years, she was Manager of Program Controls, as well as holding other positions. This year I serve as your President of the Southwest Chapter of AAAE, where I am also a Certified Airport Executive (C.A.E.). Also, I serve on the Board of Directors of the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) where I am an Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.). I earned a Master’s degree in Aviation Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of North Dakota.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

I have had many influences in my career, some great and some I would call "learning experiences". I would say my first positive influence was Arlene B. Feldman from New Jersey. Early in my career, she was an example of what you can achieve with focus and working hard toward your goals.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I like to travel and see new places. I also like to hike and see where a trail takes me.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Aisle-I like my space.


Senior Aviation Planner
C&S Companies, Inc.

Read more about David

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 2000 to connect with the airport and consultant community when I moved back to the Phoenix area.

What is your professional background?

I have been an airport consultant for 23 years; 18 years with a large multi-national firm, and the past 5 years at C&S. I have also taught the airport management and planning curriculum at Arizona State University for the past 7 years, and served on the Chandler Airport Commission for 7 years and am serving my third term as Chair.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

I had a professor in college for several courses whose passion for aviation affirmed that this was the field for me. Also, my first boss allowed me to grow by giving me responsibilities and project management assignments beyond what I expected.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Outside of work, I spend my time with family. My wife, Lee Ann, and I celebrated our 20 year anniversary earlier this year. We have two daughters, Amelia (16) and Sophie (13) who are active student-athletes, and we spend a lot of time at the soccer field and volleyball court. Our golden-mix, Ruby, and Stella the cat seem to get a lot of our attention, also.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

I recently switched from window to aisle.

Jennifer Maples, A.A.E., C.A.E., A.C.E.

Aviation Superintendent 

City of Phoenix Aviation Department

Read more about Jennifer

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined SWAAAE in 1997 when PHX was hosting the Summer Conference, and my boss, Debbie Klein, was the conference chair… and I’ve been grateful for it ever since!

What is your professional background?

I’ve been with PHX my entire airport career - 23 years and counting! I am currently the Facilities & Services Planning Superintendent overseeing several airport maintenance, operational readiness, capital planning, and asset management functions.

Prior to PHX, I worked for Evergreen Airlines, Cutter Aviation, American Express, and my favorite – as a station manager for Papillon Helicopters in Hawaii!

I have a B.S. in Aviation Business Administration with a Certificate of Emphasis in Aviation Safety from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and became an Accredited Airport Executive in 2007.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Two important people instilled a love for aviation in me at a young age. My father worked in the industry my entire life, first as an A&P at North American Rockwell at LAX, and then he moved on to management at Hughes Airwest, then Republic, then Northwest Airlines. Later, a dear friend of mine from high school, David Santo, had his pilot’s license before he could drive! He flew gliders at Turf Soaring School, and I was a benefactor, getting to fly with him. He was the one who convinced me to go to Embry Riddle, and the rest is history!

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I love to travel and explore new places! I also really enjoy hiking, photography, and believe it or not, I am a quilter. I’ve made several dozen quilts and never kept one – they were all gifted to others.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

First Class! But more often than not, I have to settle for a window seat.

William J Critchfield, A.A.E., C.A.E.


TOA, Los Angeles County Airports (5 Airports), KKIA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, San Bernardino County (7 Airports), FAA Airports Safety
Read more about William

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I recall it was 1959, the original California Association of Airports - professional relations and information exchange.

What is your professional background?

Airport Operations and Safety (USMC Combat Engineer), Business Administration (BA)

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My first boss, Jack Egan, A.A.E.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Golf, sports, shooting

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Jump seat (can't do that anymore), a seat near the rear (aft of the wing).

Patrick Murphy

Environmental Graphic Designer/

Read more about Patrick

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

Member since 2013. I joined SWAAAE as as result of attending AzAA conferences and AAAE conferences. I found out many of the same great people I had met were also SWAAAE members and I wanted more opportunities to interact with those people.

What is your professional background?

I have an Industrial Design Degree and Economics Minor from the University of Cincinnati. I began designing signage and wayfinding for Marriott Corporation in 1988 and continued on that track until designing for ATL and their complete signage redo prior to the 1996 Olympic Games. Although I did work on projects for the Olympic Games after ATL, it was the ATL project which created the foundation for a career in Aviation Signage and Wayfinding.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

Jennifer Maples of PHX has been the greatest influence in my aviation career; first by emphasizing the need for signage design to prioritize the long term maintenance parameters of signs and building in the flexibility needed in the airport environment. Secondly, Mrs. Maples encouraged me to become more involved in organizations such as SWAAAE.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Well of course Design, all types of Design, interests me on a daily basis whether as a professional, consumer or admirer. Playing Golf and supporting the Vegas Golden Knights as well as the Dallas Cowboys provides competitive and emotional outlets. Finally, I would be happy to share my dogs with you.; just let me know where you want me to send them.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

Window seat either at the front of the plane or in about row 8; the first row for the second flight attendant to collect my drink ticket.

Sean Moran, C.M., ACE

Assistant Airport Manager
City of Livermore - Livermore Municipal Airport

Read more about Sean

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

I joined in 2010 as an Academic Member, attending California State University - Los Angeles.

What is your professional background?

When I was attending college, I started out as a Passenger Services Agent for Hallmark Aviation Services at LAX, working for both Emirates and Spirit Airlines. I participated in two internships with the City of Los Angeles in the Van Nuys Airport Noise Office, and in the Airport Operations Department for the John Wayne Airport. My first full-time job was working as an Airport Operations Officer for the Ventura County Department of Airports, where I was fortunate enough to "wear many different hats" and I credit my time there to the experiences & lessons learned. I moved back home to the SF Bay Area, and spent a few years working for the City of Hayward as an Airport Operations and Noise Specialist. Before working for the City of Livermore, I spent 2 years at Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport as an Airport Duty Manager.

Who was the greatest influence in your aviation career?

My biggest influence has definitely been Mr. Curt Castagna, President/CEO of The Aeroplex-Aerolease Group. Mr. Castagna has provided invaluable advice and mentorship through just-about every step of my journey so far. Before I made any job change, I have sought out his advice and guidance. I am humbly grateful for all of the support he has given to me, and many of his other students.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

I am a very active person. Over the past few years I have become "addicted" to Obstacle Course Racing (Spartan, Tough Mudder, Etc....) and I consider this sport to be a metaphor to life. During everyone's journey, we meet obstacles along the way. When we meet these obstacles, we can either give up, exit the course, and go home, or conquer that obstacle, and push forward towards the finish line.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?

If anyone wants to get me a Christmas Gift, I'm a size "Business Class" in airplane tickets.

Wayne Armoogam


Luminous Egress

Read more about Wayne

When did you join SWAAAE and what motivated you to do so?

Mid 2019 - was told by another member that it would be the best organization to expose our luminous technology.

What is your professional background?

BSE Arizona State University, Executive Education Program at W P Carey School of Business at ASU.

Do you have any favorite past times or hobbies, and/or would you like to share about your family or pets?

Golf. Travel. I have a wife and two teenage daughters.

What is your favorite seat in an airplane?


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