Tuesday, November 17
11:00am - 1:00pm (PST)/12:00pm - 2:00pm Arizona time
Free to SWAAAE Members
Join us for the first SWAAAE Education Session as we discuss COVID-19, its impacts on the Air Service industry and how we move forward.
Session 1: Air Service Recovery and the Next Steps
Presented by Will Berchelmann, Director, Air Service Development, Volaire Aviation Consulting
While suspending and ending air service was a necessary step for airlines to mitigate the effects of COVID-19, what does the future hold for recovery and what will it take to resume operations once demand warrants it? This session will provide an insight on what the future holds and what it will take for airlines to “flip the switch” when the demand returns.
Session 2: COVID-19 and the Impact on Occupational Health & Safety
Presented by Jessie Atencio, Director, Arizona Department of Occupational Safety and Health
COVID-19 has made impacts on all aspects of airports but what does this mean when it comes to the health and safety of employees and the public? The Director for the Arizona Department of Occupational Safety and Health (AZDOSH) joins us to discuss everything from guidance on COVID-19 in the workplace and public spaces, all the way to considerations for the future with COVID-19 and other potential pandemics.
Session 3: Airport COVID-19 Roundtable
Presented by Jorge Rubio, A.A.E., C.A.E., Deputy Director, Airports, City of San Diego
J. Brian O’Neill, A.A.E., Executive Director/CEO, Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority and
Nick Dinger, Government Relations Manager, Public Affairs, John Wayne Airport, Orange County
Airports of all types and sizes have experienced varying degrees of hardship as a result of COVID-19, from loss of revenue to spending freezes and staff reductions. Our speakers will discuss how COVID-19 affected their airport; reflect on some lessons learned, best practices developed, and implemented solutions that helped them operationally, financially, etc.; and provide their perspective on the recovery of airports as a whole.
This event is for SWAAAE Members only. Not yet a member? Click here to join today!